Monday, January 2, 2017

DIY Home Security Equipment

DIY Home Security Equipment

Ready to setup and install your own security system? We bring you some top-of-the-line, affordable home security equipment options you can use to set up your own security system at home. You’ll learn about everything from a wireless motion detection camera to sirens and flood water sensors.

You’re welcome to read this article from top to bottom to learn about each piece of security equipment you can add to your home or use the navigation menu below to jump to the piece of security equipment you are most interested in.

Wireless motion detector camera with a base station
External video cameras
Smoke and heat detectors
Carbon monoxide detectors
Flood water sensors
Temperature sensors
Motion sensitive spotlights
Glass break detectors
Door and window contacts
Wireless Motion Detector Camera with a Base Station

A wireless motion detector camera with a base station is an affordable option for easy installation and minimal coverage of your home. When embarking on do it yourself home security project it is always easier to go with a wireless system since you will avoid having to run wiring behind any walls. Many new wireless systems are coming on to the market since they are the newest trend and they allow for fast and easy self installation. For an hour or two of work you can set up a wireless motion detector and its corresponding base station so that you can track movement within your home when you are absent. Most of the newer systems can be set up to automatically e-mail you with updates from the motion detector, so that you are aware when something has been captured on your motion detector. Other newer systems can also send alerts to your cell phone to let you know that something is changing within your home; however, unless you have an unlimited data plan on your phone setting up this method in inadvisable since alerts often come with attached still images from your motion detector.

Setting up a simple motion detector camera and base station is an affordable option; however, it does not allow for immediate contact with a dispatch agent to ensure full security.

External Video Cameras
External home cameras were one of the first types of security features to come about in the do it yourself home security market. Installation for these types of cameras is relatively easy since it only involves mounting the camera outside of the home in the desired area. It is imperative to purchase a camera intended for outdoor use, and again a wireless camera is going to be an easier installation; however, wired cameras are an option as well since they are generally more affordable. When picking the right camera for your home it is easier to work with cameras that allow for movement such as panning and zooming so that you can control how much detail you can see from the security of your home. External home cameras can be sold with a software to transmit a live signal through your computer or they can also be hooked up to a television to stream live so that when the doorbell rings you only have to turn on the television to see who is there. In today’€™s age the PC controlled software is generally the preferred option.

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